How to Hook Them! Bringing education to life with insights from the neuroscience of movie-making (12/6/22)
Conversations with Drs. Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski
Prospects for Implementing Deep Learning in Whole Education Systems (3/31/22)
Prospects for Implementing Deep Learning in Whole Education Systems
Using the Science of Learning as a Disrupter of Structural Inequity across the World’s Education Systems (1/18/22)
Using the Science of Learning as a Disrupter of Structural Inequity across the World’s Education Systems
The Science of Learning and Development and the Global South (Santiago Rincón-Gallardo)
A Global Learning Ecosystem for our Times – Simplicity, System, and Scalability driving Educational Transformation (11/18/21)
How might the science of learning inform the development of modern student schedules? (Facebook Live, 10/12/21)
Digital Learning: Promises and Possibilities for the Science of Learning in a Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape (Part 2 and 3: 7/22/21 and 6/17/21)
Digital Learning: Promises and Possibilities for the Science of Learning in a Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape (5/7/21)
How has COVID changed assessment-evaluation-feedback, curriculum, time, and the student profile in Education –
(recorded meeting)
Click here for more info about the meeting
Bringing the Neuroscience of Learning
to Online Teaching (ppt slides)
Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Ph.D.
Click here to view pre-encounter videos
Global Connections Between COVID, Poverty, and Science of Learning (8/27/20 Virtual meeting)
Childhood Poverty in Times of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for SoL perspective
Sebastian Lipina, Ph.D.
Covid-19, the crisis, critical thinking and preparing citizens for a better future
Elena Pasquinelli, Ph.D.
Supporting Teachers Through Global Challenges with the Science of Learning (6/18/20 Virtual meeting)
Global Science of Learning in this time of great education and economic upheaval (5/1/20 Virtual meeting) Click here for Meeting Introduction (Bob Wise, Interim Coordinator, GSoLEN)
Addressing learning during and after the pandemic
Andrea A. Chiba, Ph.D.
Education disrupted – education rebuilt
Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Click here to download a pdf of the PowerPoint
slides from the video presentation.
Recent SOL Findings (6/2020)
Defining and educating critical thinking
Report produced within the framewor
of Work Package 1 EEC Project
Critical Education (ANR-18-CE28-0018)
Additional Resources
Hong Kong Students’ Digital Citizenship Development Report (Initial Findings)
Published by the Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship (e-Citizenship) Project, funded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China, under its Theme-based Research Scheme, and jointly conducted by researchers from The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Project Coordinator: Professor Nancy Law, The University of Hong Kong.
Press Release Information: HKU study suggests that COVID-19 may widen the digital divide among students and school
Global Meeting Materials
Global Science of Learning Network – Design Convening
Sparking a Global Renaissance in Learning
Setting the Stage for a Global Science of
Learning Network: Imagine the Possibilities
Talk slides from Andrea A. Chiba, Ph.D.