Past Events

December 6, 2022, at 11 am New York Time
Webinar: How to Hook Them! Bringing education to life with insights from the neuroscience of movie-making

Conversations with Drs. Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski
Our webinar highlights the evolution of the Learning How to Learn series, featuring scientists and authors Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski. They discussed their process of making science accessible to a broad audience and distilling the science of learning into actionable items for students of all ages. They provided examples of their approach to conveying information, using inspiration from the neuroscience of movie-making. Discussions provided further insights and elaboration regarding the broader application and global scale of their courses.

Webinar: How to Hook Them!
Bringing education to life with insights
from the neuroscience of movie-making

Scholars Virtual Workshop
This is a 2-session workshop as part of the “Harnessing Global Science Networks to Accelerate Cultures of Learning” project 
Session 1 : Monday April 11th, 2022 | Session 2 : Monday April 18th, 2022
We are seeking early career scholars including junior faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduate students. This design-track NSF-funded AccelNet project links the Center for Applied Cognitive Science (PI Cristine Legare, UT Austin) with the Global Science of Learning for Education Network (Co-PI Andrea Chiba, UCSD) with partner networks that specialize in global development, learning, education, equity, and policy. 

March 31, 2022
Prospects for Implementing Deep Learning in Whole Education Systems
Presenters included: David Osher (Vice President and Institute Fellow, American Institutes for Research), Michael Fullan (Global Leadership Director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning). Discussants included: Zaretta Hammond (author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain), Vicky Colbert (former Vice- Minister of Education, Colombia, and founder and Executive Director Fundación Escuela Nueva), and Santiago Rincon-Gallardo (Chief Research Officer, Michael Fullan system’s change team).

Webinar slides:
David Osher’s slides  |  Michael Fullan’s slides  |  Vicky Colbert and Santiago Rincón Gallardo’s slides

Prospects for Implementing Deep Learning in Whole Education Systems

January 18, 2022
Using the Science of Learning as a Disrupter of Structural Inequity across the World’s Education Systems
This event included authors of, The science of Learning and Development: Enhancing the Lives of All Young People, and respondents from global education systems discussing this key topic. Our panelists included Pamela Cantor, M.D., author and founder of Turnaround for Children, teacher educator, author, and speaker, Zaretta Hammond, and David Osher, Vice President, and Institute Fellow at American Institutes for Research. They were joined by two international respondents, Themane Mahlapahlapana from the University of Limpopo in South Africa and Santiago Rincon-Gallardo, education consultant and Chief Research Officer at Michael Fullan Enterprises

Webinar slides:

Using the Science of Learning as a Disrupter of Structural Inequity across the World’s Education Systems

The Science of Learning and Development and the Global South (Santiago Rincón-Gallardo)

November 18, 2021
A Global Learning Ecosystem for our Times – Simplicity, System, and Scalability driving Educational Transformation
Kevin Bartlett, Founding Director at the Common Ground Collective (CGC), is based in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Jyoti Thyagarajan, Founder and Executive Trustee of Meghshala Trust, India, shared her role in taking the principles of CGC to practice at scale across India. Click here to view the PPT slides.

Nov. 11, 2021
IV Annual Meeting of the CpE Network (Science for Education Network)
The meeting was composed of an Opening International Panel with Roberto Lent (REDE CpE Brazil) and Bob Wise (Global Science of Learning Education Network), and two roundtables: The World Impact of the Pandemic and The Future of Education Requires Science.

October 14, 2021
TWITTER CHAT: What does the science of learning tell us about the importance of relationships?
This was an interactive twitter chat using #GSOLEN. The session was hosted by Devin Vodicka, Kristin Gagnier, and Sabba Quidwai.

October 12, 2021
FACEBOOK LIVE: How might the science of learning inform the development of modern student schedules?
Devin Vodicka, CEO of Learner-Centered Collaborative, interviewed Glenn Whitman from the Center for Transformational Teaching at St. Andrews. School leaders were invited to join this FB Live event. Click here to view a recording of event.

July 22, 2021
Part 3 – What Do the Best Teachers Do? Pedagogies that Work for Online, Hybrid and Face-to-Face Learning

Following from Part 1 and 2 of this 3-part series, this seminar focused on the practical applications of evidence-informed interventions from the learning sciences in K-16 classrooms. Click here to view the presentation!

This is the third session of our three-part series “Digital Learning: Promises and Possibilities for the Science of Learning in a Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape.” This series features Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Ph.D., Harvard University Extension School and Dr. Courtney L. Teague director of professional learning content and learner experience with the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools initiative at Digital Promise. See below for information about Part 1 and Part 2.

June 17, 2021
Part 2 – How the design of educational experiences has changed forever thanks to new digital tools for learning: Digital tools and instructional design

Following from Part 1 of this 3-part series, this seminar focuses on the diversity of digital tools that can be used to design and orchestrate learning experiences in a variety of settings. Dr Tracey Tokuhama-Epinosa will provide a comprehensive introduction to guidelines and frameworks for instructional design for different learning contexts and settings. Dr Jianwei Zhang will hone in on one specific pedagogy that designs and facilitates learning as a collaborative process of productive knowledge building and describe how specialized tools have been designed to make knowledge building visible. Click here to view the seminar.

Part 3 of the series will focus on evidence-based practices.

May 7, 2021
Global Virtual Conference – Digital Learning: Promises and Possibilities for the Science of Learning in a Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape

January 26, 2021
Lessons for How People Learn: Opportunities and Imperatives in a Post-COVID World

Cohosted by the Global Science of Learning Education Network (GSoLEN) and the Forum for World Education (FWE) – Click here to view a recording of the event

November 21, 2020
What We Have Learned From School Disruptions from the Pandemic

Keynote panel presentation to the World Education Frontiers Forum about lessons learned from COVID school disruption
Andrea Chiba, Ph.D, Winsome Waite, PH.D, and the Hon. Bob Wise.

September 22, 2020
International Symposium:
Updates on the study of the development of self-regulation, cognitive control, and executive functions – Click here to view the flyer

August 27, 2020
Global Connections Between COVID, Poverty, and Science of Learning

  • Presenter: Sebastian J. Lipina, Ph.D., Director: Unit of Applied Neurobiology, Center for Medical Education and Clinical Research Norberto Quirno (CEMIC), Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Slides: Childhood Poverty in Times of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for SoL perspective
  • Respondent: Elena Pasquinelli, Ph.D., Fondation La Main à la pâte
    Slides: Covid-19, the crisis, critical thinking and preparing citizens for a better future
  • Presenter: Kumar Garg, Managing Partner and Head of Partnerships at Schmidt Futures
    Also, updates of collaboration, funding opportunities, and working groups
  • Moderators: Andrea A Chiba, Co-Director Temporal Dynamic Learning Center and Professor, Cognitive Science; UC San Diego, and Co-Founder, Global Science of Learning Network
    Hon. Bob Wise, Coordinator and Co-Founder, Global Science of Learning Education Network

June 18, 2020
Supporting Teachers Through Global Challenges with the Science of Learning

Cohosting videoconference with UNESCO and International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES).

May 1, 2020
Global Science of Learning in this time of great education and economic upheaval (virtual conference)

September 26-27, 2018
The Global Science of Learning Design Convening
Click here to view details of the event (Note: this will take you to a different but similar-looking website)

February 8-10, 2018
Global Convergence on the Science of Learning
Alexandria, VA. Click here to view details of the event

Note: The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, the National Public Education Support Fund, and the Alliance for Excellent Education were the initial founders of GSoLEN and the convenors of the LA 2018 conference.

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