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Winter Update 2022

Winter Update 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, GSoLEN is growing and preparing for an active 2023 connecting the world’s education research to education systems across the globe.

Update in 2021 and Upcoming 2022
Update in 2021 and Upcoming 2022 Activities
During 2021, GSoLEN made significant progress in accelerating ways the world’s science of learning researchers, educators, and policymakers can share information and strategies to address common problems

Summer 2021
Update for Summer 2021 and Upcoming Activities
Building partnerships that support education research and implementation will be a main focus for the rest of 2021.

Highlights of 2020 Moving Forward In 2021

Highlights of 2020 Moving Forward in 2021
As the world moves from the education triage in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to building more transformative and equitable education systems, this brief GSoLEN newsletter will review recent accomplishments and upcoming actions.

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