About the Global Science of Learning Education Network
To elevate learning around the world by providing a science of learning network of networks for collaboratively building a global scientific infrastructure to address the increasing learning needs of children and young people and the teaching practices necessary to address them in a fast-changing future.
The mission of the Global Science of Learning and Education Network (GSoLEN) is to achieve maximum worldwide benefit from science-based strategies designed to meet the learning needs of our global future and to overcome the impact of systemic inequities on learning. GSoLEN promotes a deep understanding of Science of Learning (SoL) and the extent to which it can be generalized and implemented in practice. Through this process, network participants develop and share best practices for learning, education, and policy resources that consider for whom, at what developmental stage, under what conditions, and in what context SoL can be implemented in the world’s distinctive cultures and conditions. Grounded in an environment of trust and co-invention, this Global Science of Learning Network is fertile ground for training the very best interdisciplinary scientists, technologists, information brokers, practitioners, and policymakers to lead the innovation of SoL in education to benefit students in their global contexts.
The Global Science of Learning community was originally born out of a need to assemble teams of experts prepared to address societal challenges surrounding learning at global scale and to devise a way to bring the widespread science of learning (SoL) community together. The science of learning movement was accelerated in the United States by significant investment by the National Science Foundation and propagated around the world. This resulted in the formation of a myriad of global science of learning centers and networks composed of interdisciplinary teams of scientists and educators training the successor generations to build a foundation of basic science on which to base learning practices. Besides supporting many existing networks, these science of learning initiatives began addressing the critical combination of education and equity. Early organizational planning for a global network was supported by seed funding from the National Science Foundation in 2017 and subsequently by philanthropic seed funding from the Gates Foundation, Jacobs Foundation, and the National Public Education Support Fund (NPESF) with additional support coming from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The outcome of the planning efforts is the Global Science of Learning for Education Network (GSoLEN), a network-of-networks aiming to develop a collaborative ecosystem for infusing science into widespread practice with the informed voices of researchers, educators, policy makers and philanthropists.
GSoLEN’s work incorporates a relatively recent consolidation of human knowledge about learning which is now underpinned by advances in neuroscience. It is a breakthrough because all the theories about education have been basically studies about education borrowed from the traditional disciplines – Philosophy, Sociology, Economics, and Psychology. The work in Science of Learning is the first time there has been a basic science for education where learning is the sole focus. GSoLEN brings renowned leaders together to address pressing issues of education during COVID-19 and beyond and to bring attention to science-informed strategies for implementation that are working in international contexts. The network has hosted five international virtual symposia, exploring fundamental science of learning topics as they relate to the current situation of COVID-19. There has been consistent attendance from nearly 400 stakeholders from over 20 countries. Given the major disruption and immediate needs caused by COVID-19, GSoLEN’s members have identified four focus areas to apply and implement the science of learning:
1) supporting teachers, 2) remote and digital learning, 3) supporting parents and families, and 4) pandemic-enhanced social-emotional needs of students. The network will continue to host international virtual seminars to educate the science of learning community and educators and to share information across nations, particularly as information becomes available with respect to various nations’ return to school. Also underway are the design of a large-scale cyberinfrastructure and a virtual institute that will support international collaboration amongst all stakeholders and strengthen organic network growth around topics of interest to GSoLEN participants.
Click here for a brief PowerPoint that provides a strategic review of GSoLEN.